Grigg Lewis Workership Program
The Grigg Lewis Foundation’s Workership Program was created in 2001 after board member, Christa Caldwell, was inspired by a similar program in Northern New York. Every year the Foundation provides Eastern Niagara County college students and non-profits an opportunity to partner together in a mutually beneficial relationship. Students are able to earn a fair wage, potential college credits, and are mentored by some of the most professional agencies in our field. Students often gain a practical outlook on the workplace environment. The Eastern Niagara County non-profits are able to hire these additional paid staff members to assist in their summer programming and in turn, further their mission.
With a wide variety of positions available, students have the opportunity to work in fields such as history and tourism, sports and recreation, mental health, arts and culture, and youth programming, while gaining non-profit experience and valuable insight into their chosen career fields.
If your agency is interested in a Workership Program grant, please call our office at 716-478-0002 to discuss your eligibility with a staff member. This program is available by invitation only. All applications will require an authorization code to be considered.